Caring Cupboard
We have an ongoing need for food to give to those who ask for help. Please continue to support this program by bringing in your items for the Caring Cupboard. Cash donations are always welcome too.
Two Cents-A-Meal
For every meal you serve at home or eat during the day put two pennies in a basket. Once a month bring the pennies to church and place them in the Two Cents A Meal offering. These offerings are used to buy vouchers for grocery stores and gas stations for those in our area who need extra help.
Thanksgiving and Christmas Outreach
Each fall and winter, the people of St. Timothy's contribute funds to provide a Thanksgiving meal for several local families, and also sponsor a number of families with children in the area so that the children have gifts on Christmas morning.
Rector's Discretionary Fund
The RDF is an important tool for helping those in our area. The first Sunday of each month, the loose offering in the collection plate is designated toward this fund. It is usually used to help those in our community with utilities and rent, especially in emergencies when eviction or shut-off is imminent.
Winter Blanket Drive
Each November, the members of St. Timothy's collect blankets to be distributed through the Salvation Army to those in our area who need help staying warm through the winter, in particular those without shelter. We usually aim to gather at least 100 each year, and often surpass that goal.