Acolytes - Acolytes are members of St. Timothy’s who assist in worship by performing such functions as carrying the crosses and torches in the processions; lighting and extinguishing candles; helping with the collection of the offering and the presentation of bread and wine; and assisting the Celebrant at the altar during Holy Communion. If you would like to be an acolyte please contact Fr. George, or call the church office for more information.
Altar Guild - The care of the altars of St. Timothy’s is the responsibility of members of the Altar Guild. They prepare the altar for the celebration of Holy Eucharist, and the Baptismal Font for the celebration of Holy Baptism. Their work includes the care of altar linens, the arrangement of altar flowers and candles, and cleaning up after worship. They also prepare the church for weddings, funerals, and other ceremonies. Please call the church office for contact information if you are interested in joining this ministry.
Choir & Music - St. Timothy’s Choir contributes enormously to the quality, beauty, and dignity of our worship. Our Choir Director, Andrew Bolden, does a magnificent job of bringing out the best in us to the glory of God. The choir of St. Timothy’s Church sings at the 10:00 A.M. Sunday worship service, holidays and special events. The Choir rehearses once during the week (Thursday evenings at 7PM) and on Sunday mornings before worship. We welcome anyone who enjoys singing. Please contact Fr. George, or call the church office for more information about joining St. Timothy’s choir.
Licensed Lay Ministers - Eucharistic Visitors are licensed to take Holy Communion from the Altar on Sunday morning to our sick or shut-in members. Lectors are those who have been trained to read lessons from the lectionary and prayers from the Book of Common Prayer during worship. Eucharistic Ministers are those specially trained and licensed by the Bishop of the Diocese to administer the chalice at the Eucharist and otherwise assist the priest in the celebration of the Eucharist. Worship Leaders go through a diocesan study course and are licensed by the Bishop. In the absence of a priest, Worship Leaders may read Morning and Evening Prayer and preach approved sermons. To become a Licensed Liturgical Lay Minister you must first speak with the Rector then attend the appropriate training. For more information please contact the church office.
Ushers & Greeters - Ushers greet all who enter St. Timothy’s to worship, give out bulletins and help with seating. They also keep an accurate count of the number of worshipers, present the elements for the Holy Eucharist, collect and present the offering, and escort the people forward to receive Holy Communion. They are also present at the back of the church during the entire service to give any assistance needed. Ushers serve at the10:00 A.M. Sunday service, as well as at occasional services on weekdays and holidays.